Fairy Meadows is beautiful valley present at 3300 Feet and almost 540 KM from Islamabad. The Two hours Jeep track from Raikot bridge to Tattu village, further lead to four hours Trekking to reach fairy meadows. The Tattu (tatu) Village is small village, where you can find few tuck shops, horses and porter facility to lead you to Fairy Meadows.
Once after hectic trekking you reach on the plain piece of land at fairy meadows, it becomes quiet soothing. After you reach fairy Meadows you can find few camping facilities and Wood Huts for night stay. Due to porting and carriage freight the commodities are little expensive but once you are at the top you should be prepared for the hike of prices as well….
You can have pleasant view of Nanga Parbat from fairy meadows. But to explore more you cat trek to Nanage Parbat base camp, view point and beyal camp. It need quiet professional Trekking attitude to trek on the same day to base camp, but normally its not possible to reach Nanga parbat on the same day. To reach Beyal camp it needs 1.5 hourse trekking which futher lead to 2 hours trekking upto to View point Trekking. Furhter one to two hours trekking is required to reach Base camp 1 and 2.
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